GSFDCL Recruitment 2018 for Project Management Vacancy
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Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited (GSFDCL) published an advertisement for recruitment for Project Management Vacancy.Candidate is advised to visit official notification before applying for this post.To know further details in below given official notification.
GSFDCL Recruitment details:
Name of Organization: GSFDCL
Total No.of Posts: 01
Name of Posts:Project Management
Educational Qualification: Ph.D in Botany / Forestry
Salary : Rs.40000/- per month
Selection Process : All the candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
How to Apply GSFDCL Vacancy?
Interested & eligible candidate can send their application at the following address on or before 05-03-2018.
Interested & eligible candidate can send their application at the following address on or before 05-03-2018.
Important Dates:
Last date for receipt of applications: 05-03-2018
Important Links :Last date for receipt of applications: 05-03-2018
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